HENSCHEL, Dr. Edward Karsch

Present Whereabouts Unknown.

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The sitter (1850-1890) married Léonie Knoedler (known as “Mimi”) (1859 – 1956) the daughter of the founder of the art dealing firm, Michael Knoedler in 1884. Charles [Carl] Henschel was her son. After Edward’s death in 1890, she married in 1893 the Polish artist Count Jan von Chelminski who had been one of Muller-Ury’s friends from his earliest time in New York.

There is a letter from “Mimi” to Muller-Ury (artist’s papers) written from 61, West 46th Street, on mourning paper on March 20, 1891 as follows:

‘My dear Mr. Muller,

I never got a chance of thanking you, as I would like to. The Doctor’s portrait, to me, is one of the greatest treasures I possess – words fail me, to express to you my gratitude and sincere thanks, in your great kindness in having painted it for me.

In later years Carl also will be able to appreciate it, and will then be grateful to you for having given us a good likeness to remember his Father as he left him when only a little child. I can never thank you enough, and believe me really,

             Most gratefully yours, Léonie Henschel.’      

Further Notes:

A letter in the Knoedler Library dated November 9, 1907 from an accountant at M. Knoedler & Co. (Domestic Letterbook July 10, 1907—December 12, 1907, No. 307) reads:

‘Dear Sir:-

The purport of the enclosed statement is to inform you that we have             placed to the credit of your account the amount of Mr. E. L. Knoedler’s bill, which we sent you recently, showing a balance of $244.18, for which, in these strenuous times, a check in settlement will be very acceptable.

                    Very truly yours  

M. Knoedler & Co., Per H. Tholy’

The implication is that Muller-Ury undertook some painting for Edmond Léon Knoedler (1863-1933), the brother of Léonie “Mimi” Henschel, but exactly what is unknown.