Present Whereabouts Unknown.

Der Bund, Berne, Switzerland, February 8/9, 1892
La Revue, Lausanne, Switzerland, February 9, 1892
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Switzerland, February 10, 1892
La Riforma, Bellinzona, Switzerland, February 13, 1892
La Revue, Lausanne, Switzerland, May 20, 1892

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Sarah Bernhardt (1845 – 1923) was of course the great French Tragic Actress.

The Bibliography suggests that a portrait of this subject was painted about the end of 1891 or early 1892 when in New York with her son Maurice. The sitter was a close friend of Roland Knoedler, the art dealer, and in fact a letter from him (artist’s papers), sent from his gallery at 170, Fifth Avenue, New York, dated February 26, 1891, would seem to confirm these references to a sitting by Bernhardt for her portrait:

‘My dear Muller,

Madame Sarah could not possibly go up to see you to-day: she was here just now and has asked me to call for her to-morrow at 1.30 when she promises to go up.

                          Sincerely in haste, R. F. Knoedler.’