HERGENRÖTHER, Joseph Cardinal von

Apparently a life size portrait.

Present Whereabouts Unknown.

Vaterland, Lucerne, Switzerland, April 22, 1885
Urner Wochenblatt, Altdorf, Switzerland, April 25, 1885
Neue Zurcher Zeitung, Switzerland, March 18, 1887
Intelligenzblatt, Bern, Switzerland, March 20, 1887
Amerikanische Schweizerzeitung, April 23, 1887
Urner Volksblatt, Switzerland, March 26, 1887
The National Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 1904, Vol. VI, p.470

A photograph of Cardinal Hergenröther.

The sitter was born in Würzburg, Germany on September 15, 1824. He died in Rome on October 3, 1890. He was Curator of the Vatican Archives.

Painted in 1883/4? In the Lucerne newspaper called Vaterland dated April 22, 1885 the portrait of this sitter was described as ‘das lebensgrosse Bild des Kardinals v. Hergenröther’. The Urner Wochenblatt, Altdorf, dated April 25, 1885, adds that Hergenröther was ‘eines besondern Gönners des Künstlers’.